Baptism for kids

Many children begin to ask serious questions about the Christian faith during their grade school years. In fact, children are our ripest mission field. More than 70% of Christians are won to Christ as children and teenagers.

Baptism for Kids is a one hour class hosted by one of our Kids Pastors. This class will answer the most common questions children ask about their faith. What does it mean to be a follower of Christ? How do I become a Christian? What is baptism? When can I get baptized?

There is no cost for this class.

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How long is the class?

The class runs for about an hour.

Who can attend?

Baptism for Kids is intended for kids in 4th - 6th grade. Students in 7th - 12 grade are encouraged to attend the Starting Point class.

Do I need to pre-register?

Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required for our on campus classes. Walk ups are welcome. For online classes, registration is required to obtain the online class login information.

Do I need to attend with my child?

Yes, parents must attend with their child.